Wholesale Account Info
Essence of Coffee Wholesale Account
Great coffee doesn’t just happen… It’s the culmination of a carefully controlled journey of the bean, from Seed to Cup.

Us and Our Beans
Essence of Coffee Roasting is an artisan, specialty coffee roaster. We offer exclusive blends and single origin roasted beans, sourced exclusively from micro lots and selected specialty coffee growers. Our beans are Q-graded with a Q-score of 85 or higher.
Our selectively sourced beans come from unique locations with distinctive terroir, harvesting and processing methods.
Essence of Coffee has a growing following of enthusiasts who seek out our coffee. In fact each week we ship our beans to many states across the US. Our social media informs them of exactly where they can find our beans or where to get a great cup of (essence) coffee. As a wholesale customer you will be added to the “where to find” link.
Essence of Coffee Roasters
Our name expresses how we roast. Our goal is to discover the ‘essence of the bean’ and develop an exacting roast profile for each country of origin that highlights the beans' own unique flavors. We want you to taste the coffee bean. The country of origin is not just a name but a flavor.
At Essence of Coffee our purpose is to offer our wholesale, corporate and retail customers exclusive, quality products and service. Our wholesale customers are local businesses who recognize the value of offering exceptional coffee. Essence of Coffee drinkers become very loyal repeat customers. Your business is not simply about selling coffee but creating a loyal community of coffee snobs; influencers of friends, family and work colleagues. Our beans have a come-back-for-more quality.
Our wholesale and corporate customers have access to an exclusive online portal for selection and ordering. Once checkout is complete the order goes directly to our roasting program and is integrated into the next production run. Orders are then roasted and packaged fresh for delivery.